Limited Season Crop Consulting

ServiTech offers a limited field check service that provides independent advice and recommendations from a ServiTech agronomist at five key times during the growing season. This is a great way to have a second set of eyes on your fields — and on the data you already collect, from in-field sensors and imagery to information provided by ag retailers

Pest Management

ServiTech’s expert agronomists are a tremendous resource when looking to manage pests in your fields. Your crop specialist is able to assess your pest problem and give independent, unbiased advice on treatment options and methods, plus help you decide if treatment make economic sense for your operation. 

Our agronomists keep up-to-date on the

Managing Plant Diseases

Insight and support from your ServiTech agronomist means you’ll be ready to manage plant diseases that may crop up anytime from planting into harvest.

With plant diseases spreading from country-to-country and region-to-region, and varying annually due to changes in weather patterns, it’s important to stay on top of diagnosis and treatment

Irrigation Scheduling

Irrigation scheduling and water management make a big difference on your bottom line. ServiTech’s expert agronomists are here to help make sure you apply the water you need to maximize growth and yield, without over applying and increasing operating costs.

Our crop specialists work hand-in-hand with you to regularly determine soil conditions

Soil Sampling by ServiTech

Soil sampling by your ServiTech agronomist is a great way to get the insight you need to build a sound soil fertility plan that maximizes your investment in fertilizer and other crop inputs.

Precision matters here, and ServiTech believes the best technology and the right tools make a difference. That’s why our crop specialists follow precise

Grid Sampling

Grid sampling from ServiTech is a tremendous first step in maximizing soil fertility, yields and, ultimately, profits for your farm. 

Grid sampling clearly identifies variability in soil nutrients across a field. Your ServiTech agronomist uses that information to build a plan to apply the right amounts of fertilizer and crop nutrients in the

Soil Fertility Planning

ServiTech’s soil fertility planning service allows our unbiased, independent agronomists to make sure soil fertility and your nutrient management plan is not limiting plant growth and yield potential in your fields. 

  • Our crop specialists:
  • Examine soil sampling results, 
  • Check your soil’s biological conditions,
  • Assess your soil’s

Crop Budgeting

Combine ServiTech’s exclusive Return on Investment (ROI) tool with guidance from our expert agronomists and you’ll gain the upper hand in knowing your production costs and related variables, which are key to good decision-making and the overall success of your farm.

Maybe you want to know if you can spend less on seed while maintaining yields —

Farm Data Management

Your equipment and in-cab technology generate mountains of valuable data. ServiTech’s Farm Data Management program helps you collect, organize and store that data so you and your ServiTech agronomist can access and analyze it anytime.

This means you’ll have data for everything from product applications to planting to harvest in one secure

Variable Rate Seeding

The technology available to you and your ServiTech crop specialist today is simply astounding. The ability to put the right seed on the right acre at the right rate through variable rate seeding is one of best ways to begin the crop year with the most yield potential. 

While variable rate seeding and prescription planting are more common today

Farm Equipment Calibration

GPS and precision ag means field computers, planter controls, sprayer controls, monitors and more. ServiTech and our highly trained crop consultants are here to help calibrate all this farm equipment and technology to make sure it’s set properly for your fields, operating as intended and having the maximum benefit for your operation. 


CropView Satellite and Drone Imagery

Pre-ordered Flight Options

Single pre-ordered flight
Stand count flight option

• Population map
• Weed map
• Full imagery report

Tassel count flight option

• Harvestable ear estimate map
• In-season stress indicators
• Full imagery report

Two pre-ordered flights

• Includes both the stand count and tassel count flight option